Saturday, August 29, 2009

Missing Provo

I really really miss provo. I miss my friends, I miss my job, I miss going to school, I miss complaining about school, I miss feeling like I had some kind of control over my life. Heck at this point I even miss the crummy BYU approved apartments you ended up living in, while always overpriced and crappy, felt like home anyway.

So onto another update:

Still jobless, so if you know of anything good let me know.
Still going crazy.


  1. Um, virtual hugs and cookies headed your way, man.

  2. I'm sorry Ben. We've got an open guest room if you ever just get the urge to pick up and come back ;)

  3. Man that stinks. Go runaway to our cabin, it's a healing place. Makes you forget your worries. Well I like it at least. We'll keep you in our prayers. I don't think Amber has a job yet either. Stinkin' economy.
    I Love you!

  4. Thanks everyone, I appreciate your prayers and concern. It looks like I should have a PT job now. *Fingers crossed*

    Oh and Jen, I had better go check that my cookies aren't disabled. ;)
